Shantelle August Newsletter

Hello Everyone! Hip Hip Hooray, Summer Reading has concluded and we are now transitioning to the fall season. We had many great adventures and received several treasures along the way.

Special thanks to F.O.L (Friends of the Library), McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Captain D’s, Arby’s, Dunkin Dairy Queen, Pizza Hut, Bojangles, Waffle House, The Learning Tree Academy, Powell and Son, City of Toccoa, Toccoa Fire Department, everyone that participated in College Day and Career Day, North Georgia Credit Union, Tugaloo State Park, Smithgall Woods State Park, South State Bank, Toccoa Rotary Club, Blue Ridge Outdoor Education Center, Oconee Federal Bank, and Farm Bureau of Toccoa. We owe the success of our summer reading program to the unwavering support and enthusiasm of our community.

The biggest highlight of our summer was helping Smokey Bear celebrate his 80 birthday.

Thanks to each mascot that showed up that day for the party. We had about 320 people join us on this day. We extend our appreciation to Mayor Gail Fry and the Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce, Julie Paysen, and Brittany Schenck, who graced us with their presence at our celebration. 

The summer reading finale was a resounding success! Everyone loves a good old-fashioned water day!  The fellows over at Power & Son blew up the beach balls that we used to enhance our water play.

We had several reading challenges going on at the same time and they are: Beanstack (June-July, 19), 1,000 Book B4 Kindergarten (ongoing), Smokey Bear (January-November), Atlanta Hawks (May-September), and the Carlos Museum Wrapped Up in Reading (June-August). I encourage the children to sign up for any of the challenges and receive the rewards attached to the tasks. 

In conclusion, if you will, please click this link and take the survey to let us know how much you enjoyed summer reading. Thank you so much for your support of library programming.

Storytime will resume Tuesday, September 10th at 11 a.m.

Tell all your friends with children birth to five to come join us for a music and movement, a story, and maybe a craft. 


“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” ~Garrison Keillor

~Ms. Shantelle

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