Happy February, the month of LOVE! Isn’t every month just the month of love anyway?
Wow, January was a very cold slog! I do love snow and super cold weather, and this month has been fun, to me. I love inclement weather, where you can stay home and do what you like to do…eat, create, clean, and READ! I am looking forward to this month, though, where the days finally get a little longer and we start thinking about easing into spring (even if we are still snuggled up under a blanket with your cat and a great book.)
What are we doing here this month? Lots and lots!
First up, we are very excited to host David Bakara from Expedition Bigfoot Blue Ridge to share his Bigfoot experiences with you! He will bring findings from his and others’ search for our elusive friend, Bigfoot. This program will be at 6pm on February 13, and there will be snacks, door prizes, and lots of fun.
Our three book clubs are off to a great start in the New Year! All of them meet at 4PM in our community room. The first one is our Classics Book Club, meeting February 11. We are reading “Rebecca” by Daphne Du Maurier. I’ve heard about this book for years and finally read it. Wow! Then our 3rd Tuesday book club meets on February 18 and the book this time is “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Yes, she had 7 husbands, and no, it doesn’t end like you think. I like this story and can’t wait to hear what you say.
February starts our Jane Austen Reading Group! I am really excited about this one. It will run every other month, from February through December, and we will end the year with a Jane Austen Tea Party! On February 25 we will discuss “Sense and Sensibility“. I hope you all will come take part in this group, it should be great fun.
Remember Chess meets Mondays at 11am, and Mahjong meets Monday and Wednesdays at 1pm. If you are new to either chess or Mahjong, come on and join in! It’s a great way to meet people, and have a great time. There is also a smaller Mahjong group that meets every other Saturday; call or come by to join.
February’s Crafternoon will be on the 28th at 4pm. If you are working on a small handcraft, bring it in to share. There will also be a small, easy craft to do if you don’t have anything started already.
Other than the three books for book club, I have been reading:
“Done With The Crying” by Sherri McGregor, a nonfiction book dealing with the tragedy of mothers who become estranged from their grown children. It is tear-jerking, but helpful for such a sad and apparently growing trend; “The Big Book of Happy Crafts” by Lucia Mallela, “Get Messy Art” by Caylee Grey; and “Junk Gypsy” by Amie and Jolie Sikes. Those three are happy and colorful new books, and are perfect for the long days of winter!
I hope to see y’all soon!
Until next time, Carol