Carol April Newsletter

Hello April!

It is stacking up to be a busy month already!

Move It Monday began last week, and we have had quite a few folks sign up. All you have to do is commit to walking a mile each Monday, for six weeks. There will be a small prize randomly drawn at the end, but the real prize is being able to tell the difference in how you feel. Walking is such a simple way to improve your health, both mentally and physically. You can walk by yourself or with a friend, at home or outside – anywhere! Sign up at the library!

As always, our Chess group meets on Mondays at 11AM. A couple of guys have moved, but there is always room for you, at any level of experience. American MahJongg meets Monday and Wednesday at 1PM, and we also have a new, Chinese MahJongg group! They meet every other Saturday at 11. I know there is a place for you in either of these groups. Just come out and have fun!

April 8 is “Eclipse Day”! We have a VERY LIMITED SUPPLY of NASA-approved viewing glasses, first come first served. Grab a Moon Pie and come out to see what we can safely see!

On the third Friday of each month at 11AM, a group of homeschoolers meet to play board games. We supply the games, and again, you are welcome to come join us!

The third Tuesday book club meeting is on April 16. This month’s book is Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfield. I am looking forward, as always, to hearing what everyone has to say!

ATTENTION BIGFOOT HUNTERS! Mike Familant, host of In The Shadow of The Big Red Eye, will be back on Thursday, April 18, at 6PM! This event is sponsored by our Friends of the Library, and there will be door prizes and other goodies. Come out and hear new tales of Mike’s hunt for Bigfoot, and maybe even share some stories of your own!

Speaking of the Friends, it’s also time for the annual Friends of the Library Book Sale! This sale will be April 26, 27 & 29 in our meeting room. There are a lot of really good books that need a home, so plan on filling a box or two! While you are at it, you need to consider signing up to be one of our Friends. The Friends of the Library are such an important part of a healthy library, and we have a great group. There are many things they help us with over the course of the year, like hosting the book sale, author signings, and contributing funds to both the children and adult Summer Reading programs. We love our friends, and honestly, it is a really simple and inexpensive way to contribute to the growth of our community. 

Heather’s third computer class will be on April 23 at 3:00PM. Last month’s class went very well, and Heather is such a good teacher. You will love learning from her. Sign up at the library, or you can also call and reserve a spot over the phone.

Although it was not on our book club list it seems to be on everyone else’s, so I went ahead and read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Wow. It was a good book! Well written, adult subject matter, but a very good story. I love books that make me talk to them, or cry with them. This one checked all those boxes. The Sunday School teacher in me blanched more than a little bit, but still, I give it 5 stars!

Enjoy your April, walk a lot, and come see me!


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