Adult Programming

We're more than just children's books! More than books in general! We provide enrichment for all ages.


Our values at TSCPL

TSCPL encourages our patrons to appreciate the wonders of the world, the strengths of others, and the contribution of all those who have gone before. It fosters individual growth and encourages generosity of spirit.

Strategic Objectives

Here at TSCPL, we seek to gather and grow communities. Small scale and large scale, our efforts are always patron centered and the feedback we receive from you makes each successive program that much better.


All programming is now in-person!

Mahjong has Arrived

Come join our group of lively Mahjong players! Beginners are welcome! Wednesday at 1PM. Learn and enjoy Traditional Chinese Mahjong every other Saturday at 11AM.






Move-It Mondays

Get up and take a lap! We promise you’ll feel better.

Are you a Crafty, Creative Creature?

Does your heart get happy when the craft glue comes out? Is your middle name Ephemera?





Do you want to start the New Year with a fresh start?

Join Carol and Kathy at the library Friday, January 10th at 4PM! they will be sharing their personal experience with decluttering and sharing how to make big life changes with the art of organization. 

Book Club

Every 3rd Tuesday the library hosts a book club meeting. All are welcome to participate and enjoy conversation and light refreshments. Join Mrs. Carol at 4PM for a lively discussion!




Author Book Club: Jane Austen

Deep dive into all things Jane Austen. Oh! And read some of her books. 

Join Mrs. Carol this year for our book club featuring Jane Austen. The club will be starting in February 2024 and will be held on the 4th Tuesday of every other month at 4PM. 

We will finish up the year in December with a Jane Austen-themed tea party!

Classics Book Club: Discuss the Oldies but Goodies

Same book club style with a focus on the classics. Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 4PM to discuss influential novels with new eyes!



Need a beautiful decoration or a fancy Easter gift?


Join us March 14 at 4PM for a wreath making class! Please sign-up by March 1 to secure your spot.

Seed and Seedling Swap

In March and April of 2024, we will facilitate a sharing of plants and their seeds. We've been gifted some real gems, and now we want to open this up to the public!




Chess Club 

Beginner to Grandmaster, all are welcome! Join a fun, pressure-free atmosphere and learn to play or test out your skills. 

Help us improve

Your valuable suggestions and feedback will help us improve our vision, approach, and ethos.
Please contact us using any of the social platforms listed below.